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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Distributed Applications - Integrating Xml Web Services And .Net Remoting

Matthew MacDonald “Distributed Applications - Integrating Xml Web Services And .Net Remoting”MS Press Feb 2003 ISBN: 0735619336 English 752 pages CHM Size (for download): 5 MBMake the jump to distributed application programming using the .NET Framework—and introduce a new level of performance, scalability, and security to your network and enterprise applications. Expert .NET developer Matthew MacDonald shares proven techniques for fully exploiting .NET Remoting, XML Web services, and other .NET technologies and integrating them into your real-world solutions. MacDonald digs into key .NET building blocks and architectural issues, explaining which features and designs will best serve your customized distributed application projects—and when to use them. Case studies with full code examples illustrate these practical techniques in action, as well as demonstrating their benefits and tradeoffs.It’s been roughly seven years since distributed application architecture first gained recognition in the business world. Back then, exciting new technologies such as COM/DCOM and CORBA/IIOP promised to revolutionize the way that large-scale, resource-intensive applications were built. Instead of trying to host a single monolithic application on a single computer, distributed architecture allowed software to be modeled as a group of objects communicating across different machines. Best of all, these machines no longer needed to be proprietary mainframes—instead, developers could use inexpensive servers running the MS Windows operating system. Increasing the overall throughput of the system was often as easy as just adding an extra computer to the mix.All this has made distributed programming one of the most exciting and hotly pursued areas of software programming, but it hasn’t made up for some critical stumbling blocks. Quite simply, distributed applications are complicated. Programming a distributed application on the Windows platform requires a solid understanding of MS’s COM standard, its enterprise software and component services (such as SQL Server and COM+), and a healthy dose of painfully won experience. And no matter how skilled the programmer, a distributed programming project can quickly mushroom into a collection of versioning nightmares, interoperability headaches, and unexpected performance bottlenecks.These problems are the key factors behind the creation of MS’s .NET platform. MS .NET provides an entirely new model for creating components, communicating across computers, and accessing data—one that is optimized for distributed applications on every level. This framework still requires a healthy investment of developer time and a fairly steep learning curve for novice programmers. After the basics are mastered, however, .NET makes it dramatically easier to create truly scalable software systems.This book explores distributed programming with .NET. It details the key .NET technologies you need to master and explains the best practices for distributed application architecture with .NET. Best of all, it shows you how the separate .NET technologies can all fit together.
01 - Understanding Distributed ArchitectureChapter
02 - .NET ComponentsChapter
03 - Disconnected Data: The Universal LanguageChapter
04 - .NET Remoting: A More Durable DCOMChapter
05 - XML Web Services (RPC the Easy Way)Chapter
06 - Threaded Clients (Responsive Interfaces)Chapter
07 - Thread Pools and Services (Scalable Programming)Chapter
08 - Messaging (Lightweight Communication)Chapter
09 - COM+ (Component Services)Chapter
10 - Enterprise Application ModelingChapter
11 - Advanced Remoting TechniquesChapter
12 - Optimizing the Data TierChapter
13 - Implementing SecurityChapter
14 - Monitoring, Logging, and ProfilingChapter
15 - Deployment StrategiesChapter
16 - Invoicer.NET Traveling SalesChapter
17 - Transact.NET Order FulfillmentChapter
18 - SuperCompute.NET Work RequestsChapter
19 - MS Case Studies