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Friday, November 23, 2007

Knowledge Management

1. Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise
If you are responsible for the management of an intelligence enterprise operation and its timely and accurate delivery of reliable intelligence to key decision-makers, this book is must reading. It is the first easy-to-understand, system-level book that specifically applies knowledge management principles, practices and technologies to the intelligence domain. The book describes the essential principles of intelligence, from collection, processing and analysis, to dissemination for both national intelligence and business applications.This unique resource provides a balanced treatment of the organizational and architectural components of knowledge management, offering a clear understanding of the system infrastructure, tools and technologies necessary to implement the intelligence enterprise. You explore real-world applications and get a detailed example of a competitive intelligence unit design. Including over 80 illustrations, the book offers a highly practical description of enterprise architecture design methodology, and covers the full range of national, military, business and competitive intelligence.

2. Knowledge-Based Enterprise: Theories and Fundamentals
Knowledge management is an emerging, evolving field at the confluence of several management disciplines. A critical function for all organizations is to make rapid decisions. To do this effectively decision makers require relevant data and information. Yet, most decision makers are floundering with information overload, time compression and pressures to make critical decisions that have far-reaching consequences to their organization. Knowledge-Based Enterprise: Theories and Fundamentals provides a comprehensive coverage of all areas (people, process, and technology) necessary to become a knowledge-based enterprise. The book presents several frameworks that not only facilitate the implementation of a KM initiative but its on-going management so that pertinent knowledge and information are always available to the decision maker, and that the organization may always enjoy a sustainable competitive advantage.

3. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures
Success of an organization is increasingly dependent on its capability to create an environment to improve the productivity of knowledge work. This book focuses on the concepts, models and technologies that are used to design and implement such an environment. It develops the vision of a modular, yet highly integrated enterprise knowledge infrastructure and presents an ideal architecture replete with current technologies and systems. The most important streams of technological development that are covered in the book are computer-supported cooperative work, document and content management, e-learning, enterprise portals, information life cycle management, knowledge management, mobile computing, and the Semantic Web. It includes learning goals, exercises and case examples that help the reader to easily understand and practice the concepts.

4. Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce
Ontologies have been developed and investigated for some time in artificial intelligence to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse. More recently, the notion of ontologies has attracted attention from fields such as databases, intelligent information integration, cooperative information systems, information retrieval, electronic commerce, enterprise application integration, and knowledge management. This broadened interest in ontologies is based on the feature that they provide a machine-processable semantics of information sources that can be communicated among agents as well as between software artifacts and humans. This feature makes ontologies the backbone technology of the next web generation, i.e., the Semantic Web. Ontologies are currently applied in areas such as knowledge management in large company-wide networks and call centers, and in B2C, B2G, and B2B electronic commerce. In a nutshell, ontologies enable effective and efficient access to heterogeneous and distributed information sources. Given the increasing amount of information available online, this kind of support is becoming more important day by day. The author systematically introduces the notion of ontologies to the non-expert reader and demonstrates in detail how to apply this conceptual framework for improved intranet retrieval of corporate information and knowledge and for enhanced Internet-based electronic commerce. He also describes ontology languages (XML, RDF, and OWL) and ontology tools, and the application of ontologies. In addition to structural improvements, the second edition covers recent developments relating to the Semantic Web, and emerging web-based standard languages.

5. Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts And Application
Managerial and information systems professionals and consultants are interested in any new system that will help make their jobs easier as well as facilitate the needs of their customers. Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts and Applications focuses on the essentials of knowledge management, business intelligence, and smart business systems. This publication highlights the shortcomings of past information systems and what can be gained from implementation of the newer systems not only for the company, but also its customers, trading partners, employees, financial institutions, as well as other interested parties. This book takes an innovative and dramatic approach to the development and implementation of information systems. Not only does Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts and Applications explore a holistic approach to exploring an organizations opportunities and solving its problems, it also highlights connecting points of wisdom.

6. Strategic Knowledge Management Technology
Strategic Knowledge Management Technology applies the knowledge-based view of the firm, which builds on the resource-based theory. The value shop is identified as the typical value configuration for knowledge firms. This book applies a stages of growth model for knowledge management technology, where firms develop from the person-to-tools strategy, via the person-to-person strategy and the person-to-documents strategy, to the person-to-systems strategy. The case of law firms is extensively explored. IS/IT strategy for knowledge management is developed within the framework of the Y model.

7. Essentials of Knowledge Management
Reader-friendly survey of Knowledge Management (KM): a business optimization strategy that identifies, selects, organizes, distills, and packages information essential to the business of a company. Provides best practices in knowledge management, examines enabling technologies, and discusses implementation issues.