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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Reservoir Engineering
index of parent directory00020750_Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:23 564K 00022695_Modeling Geological Heterogeneities and Its Impact on Flow Simulation.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:24 912K 00024742_Integrating Seismic Data in Reservoir Modeling The Collocated Cokriging Alternative.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:24 1.0M 00026418_Parallel Simulated Annealing for Stochastic Reservoir Modeling.pdf 19-May-2005 12:54 1.0M 00026419_A New, Fast Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Reservoir Characterization.pdf 19-May-2005 12:54 1.1M 00027563_STORM_Integrated 3D Stochastic Reservoir Modeling Tool for Geologists and Reservoir Engineers.pdf 26-Jan-2004 13:54 1.1M 00028413_Geostatistical Modeling of Permeability With Annealing Cosimulation (ACS) .pdf 19-May-2005 12:52 831K 00029670_Creating 3-D Reservoir Models Using Areal Geostatistical Techniques Combined with Vertical Well Data.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:12 849K 00030591_Use of Well Test Data in Stochastic Reservoir Modelling.pdf 19-Nov-2003 12:37 634K 00035345_Applications of Simulated Annealing on Actual but Atypical Permeability Data.pdf 19-May-2005 12:53 875K 00035478_Building Geostatistical Models Constrained by Dynamic Data - A Posteriori Constraints.pdf 19-Nov-2003 12:37 954K 00036510_The Permeability Variogram from Pressure Transients of Multiple Wells_Theory and 1-D Application.pdf 27-Feb-2004 15:30 714K 00038748_Overview of an Integrated Process Model to Develop Petrophysical Based Reservoir Descriptions.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:42 412K 00038752_Integration of Geostatistics and Well Test to Validate a Priori Geological Models for the Dynamic Simulation_Case Study.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:42 843K 00049026_Stochastic Reservoir Simulation Using Neural Networks Trained on Outcrop Data.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:25 1.3M 00049055_Improved Methods for Multivariate Optimization of Field Development.pdf 02-Dec-2003 19:28 452K 00049289_Simulation of Permeability Field Conditioned to Well Test Data.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:25 1.2M 00049964_Integration of Fuzzy Methods into Geostatistics for Petrophysical Property Distribution.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:43 630K 00053881_Use of effective properties for characterisation of a naturally fractured reservoir in East Venezuela.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:43 279K 00053980_Time-Critical Decision Making Using PC-Based Reservoir Simulation.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:44 184K 00053986_Flow Simulation Study of the Namorado Sandstone (Albacora Field, offshore Brazil) Accounting for Scaling of Petrophysical Properties.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:44 617K 00054307_The Role of Geology in Stochastic Reservoir Modelling_The Future Trends..pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:45 44K 00056515_Characterizing Fluid Saturation Distribution Using Cross-Well Seismic and Well Data_A Geostatistical Study.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:45 458K 00056518_Efficient Conditioning of 3D Fine-Scale Reservoir Model To Multiphase Production Data Using Streamline-Based Coarse-Scale Inversion and Geostatistical Downscaling.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:46 905K 00056554_A New Efficient Averaging Technique for Scaleup of Multimillion-Cell Geologic Models.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:47 1.1M 00056652_Breaking of a Paradigm_Geology Can Provide 3D Complex Probability Fields for Stochastic Facies Modelling.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:48 644K 00056654_Methodology for Variogram Interpretation and Modeling for Improved Reservoir Characterization.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:48 284K 00056656_The Barua Field, Venezuela_Comparison of the Results and Process of Deterministic versus Stochastic Reservoir Characterization.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:50 2.8M 00056682_Conditioning 3D Stochastic Channels to Pressure Data.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:51 1.6M 00056703_Reducing Uncertainties in Production Forecasts by Constraining Geological Modeling to Dynamic Data.pdf 19-Nov-2003 12:37 264K 00056733_Using Artificial Intelligence to Corellate Multiple Seismic Attributes to Reservoir Properties.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:51 1.1M 00056736_Using 3D seismic-derived information in lithofacies simulations. A case study.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:51 396K 00056804_Integration of Core and Log Information To Improve the Representation of Small-Medium-Scale Heterogeneity.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:52 188K 00056822_Geostatistical Scaling Laws Applied to Core and Log Data.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:52 196K 00056823_Conditioning of Lévy-Stable Fractal Reservoir Models to Seismic Data.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:53 450K 00059408_Estimation of Reservoir Properties by Monte Carlo Simulation.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:54 732K 00059425_Integrating Resistivity Data with Production Data for Improved.pdf 02-Dec-2003 19:11 279K 00062902_Cross-Discipline Integration in Reservoir Modeling_The Impact on Fluid Flow Simulation and Reservoir Management.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:56 2.0M 00062905_A Multiresolution Approach to reservoir Parameter Esimation.pdf 02-Dec-2003 19:15 508K 00062976_A Direct Method for the Identification of the Permeability Field of an Anisotropic Porous Medium.pdf 27-Feb-2004 15:31 1.0M 00063065_Surrogate Modeling-Based Optimization for the Integration of Static and Dynamic Data Into a Reservoir Description.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:56 174K 00065429_Reservoir Characterization Constrained to Well-Test Data_A Field Example ..pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:57 326K 00066310_Geostatistical Quantification of Geological Information for a Fluvial-Type North Sea Reservoir.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:57 612K 00066350_Prediction of Oil Production With Confidence Intervals.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:57 741K 00069481_Application of seismic attribute filtering with Factorial Kriging to estimate porous volume_A case study on a Brazilian east coast.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:22 732K 00069483_Reservoir Geophysics_Seismic Pattern Recognition Applied to Ultra-Deepwater Oilfield in Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:38 3.2M 00069654_Stochastic Modeling of Rock Heterogeneities Applying New Autocorrelation Estimators and Simulated Annealing.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:23 756K 00071324_Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics.pdf 21-Nov-2003 16:25 188K 00071335_Constraining Reservoir Facies Models to Dynamic Data - Impact of Spatial Distribution Uncertainty on Production Forecasts.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:26 456K 00071489_Determining Relative Permeability Exponents Near the Residual Saturation.pdf 27-Feb-2004 15:31 284K 00071597_Technique to Integrate Production and Static Data in a Self-Consistent Way.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:27 348K 00075246_Geological Characterization Of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Multiple Point Geostatistics.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:58 773K 00077425_Modeling of a Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir Conditional to Seismic Data Using Multiple-Point Geostatistics.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:12 559K 00077426_Feature-Based Geostatistics_An Application to a Submarine Channel Reservoir.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:58 496K 00077429_Geostatistical History Matching Under Training-Image Based Geological Model Constraints.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:14 777K 00077741_Construction of Fracture Network Model Using Static and Dynamic Data.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:59 1.1M 00077958_Reservoir Modelling With Neural Networks And Geostatistics_A Case Study From The Lower Tertiary Of The Shengli Oilfield.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:16 2.0M 00078207_Quantifying the Fracture Mechanics Properties of Rock for Fractured Reservoir Characterization.pdf 26-Sep-2003 11:59 1.4M 00078510_Fully Integrated 3D-Reservoir Characterization and Flow Simulation Study_A Field Case Example.pdf 27-Apr-2004 08:51 630K 00079669_What is Relevant to Flow_A Comprehensive Study Using a Shallow Marine Reservoir.pdf 26-Sep-2003 12:00 3.2M 00081497_Ranking and Upscaling of Geostatistical Reservoir Models Using Streamline Simulation_A Field Case Study.pdf 21-Aug-2003 16:18 402K 00081503_History Matching of Object-Based Stochastic Reservoir Models.pdf 12-Jul-2004 13:47 335K 00084052_Integrated Geostatistical Reservoir Characterization of Turbidite Sandstone Deposits in Chicontepec Basin, Gulf of Mexico.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:49 2.2M 00084053_Modeling Facies Bodies and Petrophysical Trends in Turbidite Reservoirs.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:49 843K 00084055_Geostatistical Prediction of Sand Distribution of Gas Reservoir in Jilin, China.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:49 970K 00084273_In Search of an Optimal Parameterization_ An Innovative Approach to Reservoir Data Integration.pdf 19-Nov-2003 13:03 422K 00084274_A Case Study of a Fine Scale Integrated Geological, Geophysical, Petrophysical, and Reservoir Simulation Reservoir Characterization With Uncertainty Estimation.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:50 561K 00084276_Accounting for Interpreted Well Test Pore Volumes in Reservoir Modeling.pdf 19-Nov-2003 13:03 953K 00084368_A Two-Level Optimization Method for Geostatistical Integration of Production Data on Non-Uniform Grids.pdf 26-Apr-2004 17:08 767K 00084412_Integration of Seismic Anisotropy and Reservoir Performance Data for Characterization of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Discrete Feature Network Models.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:50 1.2M 00084413_Fracture Characterization for Integrated Studies A new approach and its applications.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:50 3.7M 00084414_Case Study Merging Modern Reservoir Characterization with Traditional Reservoir Engineering.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:50 744K 00084467_Updating Stochastic Reservoir Models With New Production Data.pdf 26-Apr-2004 17:49 930K 00084592_Iterative Integration of Dynamic Data in Reservoir Models.pdf 19-Nov-2003 13:03 409K 00084594_Automatic History Matching of Geologic Facies.pdf 19-May-2004 11:26 1.7M 00084876_An Innovative Approach To Integrate Fracture, Well Test and Production Data into Reservoir Models.pdf 19-Nov-2003 13:04 1.1M 00087009_Digital Core Laboratory_Reservoir-Core Properties Derived From 3D Images.pdf 10-Jun-2004 12:35 1.2M 00089991_Joint Estimation of Porosity and Saturation Using Stochastic Rock Physics Modeling.pdf 30-Aug-2004 09:51 322K 00090275_A Combined Geological, Geophysical and Rock Mechanics Approach to Naturally Fractured Reservoir Characterization and Its Applications.pdf 13-Nov-2004 08:59 695K 00090487_A Discrete Fracture Network Approach to Conditioning Petroleum Reservoir Models Using Seismic Anisotropy and Production Dynamic Data.pdf 30-Aug-2004 09:52 1.1M 00090553_Integrated Seismic-Guided Characterization of a Carbonate Reservoir in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E..pdf 30-Aug-2004 09:52 654K 00090643_Merging Outcrop Data and Geomechanical Information in Stochastic Models of Fractured Reservoirs.pdf 15-Oct-2004 09:00 536K 00090822_Improved Reservoir Simulation With Seismically Derived Fracture Models.pdf 11-Nov-2004 08:23 680K 00091054_Spectral Component Geologic Modeling An Improved Method for Integrating Seismic Data into Geologic Models.pdf 30-Aug-2004 09:52 4.4M 00092031_Seismically Driven Improved Fractured Reservoir Characterization.pdf 15-Oct-2004 09:01 770K 3-D Reservoir Characterization of the House Creek Oil Field, Powder River Basin, Wyoming.htm 17-Jun-2004 11:59 11K A Multiple-scale, Pattern-based Approach to Reservoir Characterization.pdf 10-Sep-2003 01:51 649K Characterization of Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Triple-Porosity System.pdf 09-Jun-2004 11:17 47K CongresoHC2003_LA OPTIMIZACIÓN DE LOS PROCESOS DE RECUPERACIÓN SECUNDARIA Y LOS MODELOS INTEGRALES AUTOCORRELADOS.pdf 28-Feb-2005 13:00 1.2M CongresoProduccion2000_ESTUDIO DE RESERVORIOS INTEGRADO CAMPO LA VICTORIA, ESTADO DE APURE, VENEZUELA.pdf 28-Feb-2005 13:03 1.7M DATA INTEGRATION WITH MULTIPLE-POINT GEOSTATISTICS.doc 11-Feb-2004 15:04 30K DOE-BC-14894-15_Application of artificial intelligence to reservoir characterization An interdisciplinary approach. Final report.pdf 20-Feb-2005 16:24 22M Digital Core Laboratory_Reservoir-Core Properties Derived From 3D Images.doc 10-Jun-2004 11:50 58K Downscaling in complex geological environments using multiple-point geostatistics.pdf 11-Feb-2004 15:09 91K ECMOR2002_Facies Simulation using Membership functions and Multi P-Field.pdf 07-Jun-2004 17:11 541K EExitep2005_LA ESTADÍSTICA INTEGRAL AUTOCORRELADA Y LA SIMULACIÓN EN LÍNEAS DE FLUJO OPTIMIZACIÓN DE LOS MODELOS DE YACIMIENTO Y DEL DISEÑO DE LA RECUPERACIÓN SECUNDARIA.pdf 22-Apr-2005 11:30 3.6M Estimating the boundary surface between geologic formations from 3D seismic data using neural networks and geostatistics.pdf 17-Jan-2005 08:45 261K Evesham Field West Central Saskatchewan, Canada Plurigaussian Lithofacies Modelling of the Sparky Member, Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group.pdf 07-Jun-2004 17:04 62K Fluvial meandering channelized reservoirs_a stochastic & process-based approach.pdf 27-Mar-2005 08:20 1.3M IAMG_CONDITIONAL SIMULATION OF TRUNCATED RANDOM FIELDS USING GRADIENT METHODS.pdf 19-May-2004 11:21 670K INFERENCE OF THE BOOLEAN MODEL ON A NON STATIONARY CASE.pdf 27-Mar-2005 08:41 278K Innotec2004_MALLAS DE RECUPERACIÓN SECUNDARIA OPTIMIZACIÓN DEL DISEÑO POR SIMULACIÓN EN LÍNEAS DE FLUJO.pdf 28-Feb-2005 13:33 1.1M Integration of sequence stratigraphy concepts into multiple-point geostatistical models.pdf 15-Jul-2005 10:10 157K Marked Point Models for Facies Units Conditioned on Well Data.pdf 21-Nov-2003 15:45 141K Marked Point Models for Facies Units Conditioned on Well 21-Nov-2003 15:44 87K Marked point models with complex conditioning used for modelling of shales.pdf 21-Nov-2003 15:51 196K Marked point models with complex conditioning used for modelling of 21-Nov-2003 15:51 209K Modelos en Nucleos/ 14-Jan-2005 10:45 - Multiple-point geostatistics a quantitative vehicle for integrating geologic analogs into multiple reservoir models.pdf 11-Feb-2004 15:05 598K PRACTICAL RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION FOR THE INDEPENDENT OPERATOR, COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPREHENSIVE RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION.pdf 17-Jun-2004 11:57 73K Quantitative Use of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization.pdf 07-Jun-2005 16:42 422K RPI_ESTADÍSTICA INTEGRAL AUTOCORRELADA.pdf 04-May-2005 20:55 1.5M RPI_FLUJO INTEGRADO DE TRABAJO.pdf 28-Feb-2005 13:37 307K RPI_SIMULACIÓN NUMÉRICA DINÁMICA INTEGRAL.pdf 28-Feb-2005 13:48 1.2M Reservoir Characterization Integrating Well Observations, Seismic Data and Production History.pdf 21-Nov-2003 15:46 1.9M Reservoir Characterization Integrating Well Observations, Seismic Data and Production 21-Nov-2003 15:45 8.3M Reservoir Characterization References.doc 19-Nov-2003 18:40 32K Reservoir Characterization References.xls 11-Nov-2004 10:51 28K Sequential Simulation under local non-linear constraints_Application to history matching.pdf 15-Jul-2005 10:11 279K Stochastic Modeling of Geological Heterogeneity.pdf 07-Jun-2004 17:09 900K Stratigraphy and Oil_A Review_Part 2_Characterization of Reservoirs and Sequence Stratigraphy_Quantification and Modeling.pdf 07-Jun-2005 16:51 2.1M beucher_Filling with petrophysical properties.pdf 26-Mar-2005 08:59 2.3M beucher_Reservoir characterization.pdf 26-Mar-2005 08:57 1.7M jun02_02_Quantitative Use of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization.pdf 07-Jun-2005 16:43 337K
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The Road to Reality - A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
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Computer Forensics
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Free Energy
index of parent directory19-Sep-2007 03:40 - (ebook) - Tesla - Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical 24-Nov-2006 12:51 25k (ebook) - Tesla - New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free 24-Nov-2006 12:52 2.1M (free energy) - Nikola Tesla Invented Radio.txt 24-Nov-2006 12:51 7k 0428057 Tesla_PyroElectro-Magnetic Motor.pdf.pdf 24-Nov-2006 12:51 103k 0517900 Tesla Steam Engine.pdf 24-Nov-2006 12:52 237k Bbc Documentary - Horizon - Mysterious Mr Tesla.mpg 24-Nov-2006 17:12 304M Bearden, T E - New Tesla Electromagnetics And The Secrets Of Electrical Free Energy (1984, Cheniere Org).pdf 24-Nov-2006 12:55 2.1M Biography Of Nikola Tesla.pdf 24-Nov-2006 12:56 440k Das Haarp Projekt, Nikola Tesla, modernste Waffen.pdf 24-Nov-2006 12:57 869k Documentary - Holes in Heaven - HAARP and Advances In Tesla Technology.avi 24-Nov-2006 18:56 383M Doku - Tesla - Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World - DivX.avi 27-Nov-2006 15:35 344M Ebook - Free Energy - Complete US Patents of Nikola Tesla - Electricity Alternative.pdf 24-Nov-2006 19:33 40.2M Ebook - Science - Tesla-Ball-Lightning.pdf 24-Nov-2006 19:33 47k Energie_du_vide_.Nikola_Tesla..avi 27-Nov-2006 15:03 3.5M Fbi Files On Nikola Tesla 01.pdf 27-Nov-2006 15:07 4.6M Free Energy - Orgone - Motorcycle Runs On Water (Aukland, Nz) 60 Minutes (Joe Cell Zero Point Tesla Water Bike) Please Share! Amazing Must See!!!.rm 27-Nov-2006 15:52 53.9M Free Energy Secrets With Tesla Patents.pdf 27-Nov-2006 15:42 8.4M Haarp - SHIVA Shooting at UFO on NASA shuttle video(Look for HAARP Advanced Tesla Technology).MPG 27-Nov-2006 15:43 1.5M Holes in Heaven - HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology - mortal abuse.avi 01-Dec-2006 21:33 357M Lindemann - Tesla's Self-Acting Engine.pdf 27-Nov-2006 15:54 1.9M Mindfreak.S01E10.xvid-tm.Tesla.Coil.avi 27-Nov-2006 18:22 174M Nazi.UFOs.-.How.They.Fly.-.The.German.Tesla.Anti-Gravity.And.Free.Energy.Program.(William.Lyne).(2004).avi 02-Dec-2006 23:05 595M Nikola Tesla - Electromagnetic Engineering.pdf 02-Dec-2006 20:06 172k Nikola Tesla - Patent 00416193.pdf 02-Dec-2006 20:07 180k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00401520.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:09 382k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00418248.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:09 150k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00424036.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:11 328k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00445207.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:12 244k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00447920.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:13 198k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - 00511559.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:14 217k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - B14550.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:16 555k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - B19426.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:17 350k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - B6527.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:18 293k Nikola Tesla - Patents and Documents (scans not great) - B8200.PDF 02-Dec-2006 20:19 561k Nikola Tesla - Tesla Symposium 1994.pdf 02-Dec-2006 20:21 2.7M ProGenIndex.html 01-Dec-2006 21:34 14k ProGenPart2.html 01-Dec-2006 21:34 173k ProGenPart3.html 01-Dec-2006 21:34 91k ProGenPart4.html 01-Dec-2006 21:34 70k ProGenPart5.html 01-Dec-2006 21:35 84k Prodigal Genius-Tesla Biography.txt 02-Dec-2006 20:21 618k ProgenPart1.html 05-Dec-2006 14:31 12k Radiant Energy, Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret Part 1.htm 05-Dec-2006 14:31 29k Raum & Zeit Telekommunikation Ohne Elektrosmog (Global Scaling, Freie Energie, Tesla).pdf 01-Dec-2006 21:35 289k Scalar Waves (Tesla physics text for engineers) (2003).pdf 01-Dec-2006 21:59 22.8M Secret Of Nikola Tesla - The Movie (Biography Free Energy Suppressed By Us Banksters 1980).avi 03-Dec-2006 17:57 470M TESLA project Superconductor High Energy Physics slides 2001.pdf 02-Dec-2006 23:43 39.2M Tesla - Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point (Documentary).avi 04-Dec-2006 06:31 527M Tesla - My Inventions.pdf 02-Dec-2006 23:26 388k Tesla Coil High Voltage Generator.pdf 02-Dec-2006 23:26 128k Tesla Coil_6.mpeg 02-Dec-2006 23:21 9.8M Tesla Patent List.doc 01-Dec-2006 23:23 22k Tesla Turbine airfoil mod.doc 01-Dec-2006 23:23 67k Tesla's FBI Files #2.doc 01-Dec-2006 23:23 17k Tesla's.Secret.and.the.Soviet.Tesla.Weapons.(Tom.Bearden).(1988).avi 03-Dec-2006 13:06 489M Teslastrahlung - Tesla Waves 1 of 4 (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl's 12 hours video seminar on Tesla physics) (2001).avi 03-Dec-2006 17:08 681M The Strange Life Of Nikola Tesla - autobiography of a brilliant White man, invented alot of technology, 02-Dec-2006 13:06 284k Tom.Talks.Tesla.( 03-Dec-2006 01:41 264M Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil - Tuned Grid.jpg 02-Dec-2006 13:00 172k Valone.-.Harnessing.the.wheelwork.of.nature.-.Tesla' 01-Dec-2006 23:58 14.2M What caused the Kursk to sink Look at the Photo VRIL Illuminati Tesla Area 51 Kursk wurde versenkt.doc 02-Dec-2006 00:54 57k eBooks 47 books tesla, orgon, solar, freie energie.rar 27-Nov-2006 15:00 134M electronics - Nikola Tesla & Antigravity books.pdf 27-Nov-2006 15:00 7k science (ebook - PDF) - Solid State Tesla Coil - How-to.pdf 01-Dec-2006 22:00 828k superconductor, gravity shielding, space exploration, podkletnov generator, 16-tesla magnetic field, levitation.htm
index of parent directory(Ebook - Free Energy) 50000 Vdc Power Supply.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:48 &&714k &(Ebook - Free Energy) Fuelless Engine 50-350hp.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:50 &&1.7M &(ebook - free energy) - how to build a solar icemaker.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:49 &&347k &(ebook - free energy) fuel from water.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:48 &&1.6M &Free Energy Plans.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&154k &Fuel Cell - Handbook - Hydrogen Power Electricity Electrical Electronics.pdf 05-Dec-2006 12:40 &&2.4M &John Bedini - back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator - WO0152390.pdf 05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&1.1M &T-shirt.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:46 &&639k &air motor.pdf &&&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:50 &&967k &batteries.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:31 &&765k &bobine tesla.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:32 &&464k &cellule solaire.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:33 &&1.9M &eolienne.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:34 &&1.4M &free electricity from the sky.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&4.2M &free energy adams motor build from old CDs.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&448k &from the earth !.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:38 &&1.9M &fuelless heater.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:41 &&2.3M &ht volt en v%e9lo.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:41 &&623k &lampe n%e9on.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&520k &lampe.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&337k &moteur aimant permanent.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:44 &&1.2M &moteur gravit%e9.pdf &&&&05-Dec-2006 12:44 &&1.4M &netoyer toiture ....pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:45 &&519k &presse a solar cell.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:45 &&882k &soucoupe.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:46 &&1.4M &turbine tesla.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:47 &&1.8M &%e9nergie du ciel.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:33 &&1.3M
index of parent directory1984 Parr Density Functional Approach to Frontier Elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 650K 1984 Yang Electron Density KohnSham Frontier Orbitals.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 889K 1985 Levy A New Functional .pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 293K 1985 Yang Hardness Softness Fukui Fnctn.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.7M 1985 Yang Molecular softness as avg.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 346K 1986 Yang Analysis of the Kinetic Energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 430K 1986 Yang Gradient correction ThomasFermi.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.0M 1986 Yang Use of Global and Local Molecular Param.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 3.6M 1986 Yang Various functionals for kinetic energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 836K 1987 Xue Application of Scaled Particle Theory.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.8M 1987 Yang Ab Initio Approach Many Electron.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 558K 1987 Yang New Relation btwn Hardness and Compr.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 3.5M 1988 Lee Develop of ColleSalvetti correl.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 724K 1988 Lee Local Softness and Chem Reactivity.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 605K 1988 Yang Ab initio approach for many elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.4M 1988 Yang Dynamic Linear Response.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.0M 1988 Yang Local Softness and Chemical Reactivity.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 606K 1988 Yang The Collocation Method for bound sol.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 651K 1988 Yang Thermal properties of many elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.0M 1989 Peet An Adapted Form of Collocation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 698K 1989 Peet The Collocation Method.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 694K 1989 Yang A Collocation Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 691K 1989 Yang Block Lanczos Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 506K 1990 Morrison Approx Density Matrices.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 14M 1990 Yang A Method for Calculating.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 549K 1990 Yang Integral Formulation of Density.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 12M 1991 Yang A Local Projection.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 860K 1991 Yang Direct Calculation of electron.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 717K 1991 Yang Direct Calcul of electron density.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 646K 1992 Crawford Hartley Basis Functions.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 302K 1992 Lee The Divide and Conquer.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 360K 1992 Yang Electron Density as Basic Variable.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 1.2M 1993 Bemish The Ar C2H2 Intermolecular.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 1.8M 1993 Lee Nonlocal Density Functional.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 410K 1993 Yang Density Functional Theory Lrg Syst.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 2.8M 1993 York Density functional calculations.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 514K 1993 Zhu Correction to Exam of several.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 75K 1993 Zhu Examination of several.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 765K 1994 Lu The Shape of Large singlemulti shell.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 653K 1994 Yang Electronic Structure of Soldi State Sys.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 9.2M 1994 York The Fast Fourier Poisson.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 392K 1994 Zhu Structure of Ammonia Dimer Studied.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 4.3M 1995 Lee A New Definition of Atomic.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 210K 1995 Parr Density Functional theory of electron struct.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 28K 1995 Perez Jorda Algorithm for 3D Numerical.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Perez Jorda Simple O(N log N).pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Wei Structure and stability of molybdenum.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Yang A Density Matrix.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 York Towards the accurate modeling of DNA.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 York Yang Toward the Accur Mod DNA.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Zhao Analytical energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Lee Linear scaling semiempir.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Ni Density Functional Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Perez Jorda A Concise Redefin.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York A Chemical Potential.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York Parameterization and Efficient.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York Quantum Mechanical Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Zhu Structure of Solid State Systems.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Pan First principles study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 PerezJorda Fast evaluation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Yang Absolute Energy Min Principles.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Zhang Describing van der Waals.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Zhu Divide and Conquer.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lee Frozen Density Matrix Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lee Linear scaling Quantum Mech.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lewis Active Species for GroundState.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 49K 1998 Pan Parallel Implementation of Divide.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Perez Jorda On the Scaling of Multipole.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Yang Generalized adiabatic.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Yang Special Issue Symposium.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 62K 1998 York Quantum Mechanical Treatment.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Zhang A Challenge.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Zhang Generalized Gradient Approx.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 47K 1999 Lewis A Linear Scaling Quantum Mech.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1999 Zhang A PseudoBond.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Enkvist Density Functional Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Liu How is the active enolase.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Liu Nonorthogonal.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Yang Degenerate Ground States.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Zhang Free energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Zhang Perspective on DensityFunct.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2001 Baik Using Density Functional Theory.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2001 Liu Quantum Mechanics Simulation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2002 Wu Empirical Correction.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2002 Yang A Direct Method for Optimizing.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 98K 2002Yang_revmodernquantchem_bkchapter.PDF 23-Jul-2007 12:57 4.6M 2002Yyang_computmethods_bkchapter.PDF 23-Jul-2007 12:57 17M 2002 Zhang Density Functional Theory QM MM Study.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 760K 2003 Goj Dramatic Effect of Homoallylic Substitution.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 353K 2003 Jiang Density Functional Theory Simulation.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 567K 2003 Jiang Spin and Conductance-Peak-spacing.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 226K 2003 LuLiuYang Energetics of Electron Transfer.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 309K 2003 MoriSanchez Accurate Polymer Polarizabilities.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 73K 2003 Wu Albegraic Equation and Iterative Optimizatoin.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 217K 2003 Wu_Yang A direct optimiz meth for calc.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 149K 2003 ya Hasagawa Energetics of the electron transfer.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 309K 2004 Jiang Electron-electron interactions in isolated.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 1.3M 2004 Li Adapting the nudged elastic band method.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 203K 2004 Lu Elastic Properties of Single Amylose Chains in Water.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 342K 2005 Liu Organometallic Spintronics.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 183K
index of parent directory(Ebook - Free Energy) 50000 Vdc Power Supply.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:48 &&714k &(Ebook - Free Energy) Fuelless Engine 50-350hp.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:50 &&1.7M &(ebook - free energy) - how to build a solar icemaker.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:49 &&347k &(ebook - free energy) fuel from water.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:48 &&1.6M &Free Energy Plans.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&154k &Fuel Cell - Handbook - Hydrogen Power Electricity Electrical Electronics.pdf 05-Dec-2006 12:40 &&2.4M &John Bedini - back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator - WO0152390.pdf 05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&1.1M &T-shirt.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:46 &&639k &air motor.pdf &&&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:50 &&967k &batteries.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:31 &&765k &bobine tesla.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:32 &&464k &cellule solaire.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:33 &&1.9M &eolienne.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:34 &&1.4M &free electricity from the sky.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&4.2M &free energy adams motor build from old CDs.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:37 &&448k &from the earth !.pdf &&05-Dec-2006 12:38 &&1.9M &fuelless heater.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:41 &&2.3M &ht volt en v%e9lo.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:41 &&623k &lampe n%e9on.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&520k &lampe.pdf &&&&&05-Dec-2006 12:42 &&337k &moteur aimant permanent.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:44 &&1.2M &moteur gravit%e9.pdf &&&&05-Dec-2006 12:44 &&1.4M &netoyer toiture ....pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:45 &&519k &presse a solar cell.pdf &05-Dec-2006 12:45 &&882k &soucoupe.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:46 &&1.4M &turbine tesla.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:47 &&1.8M &%e9nergie du ciel.pdf &&&05-Dec-2006 12:33 &&1.3M
index of parent directory1984 Parr Density Functional Approach to Frontier Elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 650K 1984 Yang Electron Density KohnSham Frontier Orbitals.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 889K 1985 Levy A New Functional .pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 293K 1985 Yang Hardness Softness Fukui Fnctn.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.7M 1985 Yang Molecular softness as avg.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 346K 1986 Yang Analysis of the Kinetic Energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 430K 1986 Yang Gradient correction ThomasFermi.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.0M 1986 Yang Use of Global and Local Molecular Param.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 3.6M 1986 Yang Various functionals for kinetic energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 836K 1987 Xue Application of Scaled Particle Theory.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 2.8M 1987 Yang Ab Initio Approach Many Electron.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 558K 1987 Yang New Relation btwn Hardness and Compr.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 3.5M 1988 Lee Develop of ColleSalvetti correl.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 724K 1988 Lee Local Softness and Chem Reactivity.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 605K 1988 Yang Ab initio approach for many elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.4M 1988 Yang Dynamic Linear Response.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.0M 1988 Yang Local Softness and Chemical Reactivity.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 606K 1988 Yang The Collocation Method for bound sol.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 651K 1988 Yang Thermal properties of many elect.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 1.0M 1989 Peet An Adapted Form of Collocation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 698K 1989 Peet The Collocation Method.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 694K 1989 Yang A Collocation Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 691K 1989 Yang Block Lanczos Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:31 506K 1990 Morrison Approx Density Matrices.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 14M 1990 Yang A Method for Calculating.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 549K 1990 Yang Integral Formulation of Density.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 12M 1991 Yang A Local Projection.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 860K 1991 Yang Direct Calculation of electron.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 717K 1991 Yang Direct Calcul of electron density.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 646K 1992 Crawford Hartley Basis Functions.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 302K 1992 Lee The Divide and Conquer.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 360K 1992 Yang Electron Density as Basic Variable.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 1.2M 1993 Bemish The Ar C2H2 Intermolecular.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 1.8M 1993 Lee Nonlocal Density Functional.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 410K 1993 Yang Density Functional Theory Lrg Syst.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 2.8M 1993 York Density functional calculations.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 514K 1993 Zhu Correction to Exam of several.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 75K 1993 Zhu Examination of several.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 765K 1994 Lu The Shape of Large singlemulti shell.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:32 653K 1994 Yang Electronic Structure of Soldi State Sys.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 9.2M 1994 York The Fast Fourier Poisson.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 392K 1994 Zhu Structure of Ammonia Dimer Studied.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 4.3M 1995 Lee A New Definition of Atomic.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 210K 1995 Parr Density Functional theory of electron struct.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 28K 1995 Perez Jorda Algorithm for 3D Numerical.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Perez Jorda Simple O(N log N).pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Wei Structure and stability of molybdenum.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Yang A Density Matrix.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 York Towards the accurate modeling of DNA.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 York Yang Toward the Accur Mod DNA.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1995 Zhao Analytical energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Lee Linear scaling semiempir.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Ni Density Functional Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Perez Jorda A Concise Redefin.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York A Chemical Potential.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York Parameterization and Efficient.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 York Quantum Mechanical Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1996 Zhu Structure of Solid State Systems.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Pan First principles study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 PerezJorda Fast evaluation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Yang Absolute Energy Min Principles.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Zhang Describing van der Waals.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1997 Zhu Divide and Conquer.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lee Frozen Density Matrix Approach.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lee Linear scaling Quantum Mech.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Lewis Active Species for GroundState.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 49K 1998 Pan Parallel Implementation of Divide.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Perez Jorda On the Scaling of Multipole.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Yang Generalized adiabatic.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Yang Special Issue Symposium.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 62K 1998 York Quantum Mechanical Treatment.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Zhang A Challenge.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1998 Zhang Generalized Gradient Approx.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 47K 1999 Lewis A Linear Scaling Quantum Mech.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 1999 Zhang A PseudoBond.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Enkvist Density Functional Study.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Liu How is the active enolase.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Liu Nonorthogonal.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Yang Degenerate Ground States.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Zhang Free energy.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2000 Zhang Perspective on DensityFunct.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2001 Baik Using Density Functional Theory.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2001 Liu Quantum Mechanics Simulation.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2002 Wu Empirical Correction.pdf 08-Oct-2004 15:33 0 2002 Yang A Direct Method for Optimizing.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 98K 2002Yang_revmodernquantchem_bkchapter.PDF 23-Jul-2007 12:57 4.6M 2002Yyang_computmethods_bkchapter.PDF 23-Jul-2007 12:57 17M 2002 Zhang Density Functional Theory QM MM Study.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 760K 2003 Goj Dramatic Effect of Homoallylic Substitution.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 353K 2003 Jiang Density Functional Theory Simulation.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 567K 2003 Jiang Spin and Conductance-Peak-spacing.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 226K 2003 LuLiuYang Energetics of Electron Transfer.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 309K 2003 MoriSanchez Accurate Polymer Polarizabilities.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 73K 2003 Wu Albegraic Equation and Iterative Optimizatoin.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 217K 2003 Wu_Yang A direct optimiz meth for calc.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 149K 2003 ya Hasagawa Energetics of the electron transfer.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 309K 2004 Jiang Electron-electron interactions in isolated.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 1.3M 2004 Li Adapting the nudged elastic band method.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 203K 2004 Lu Elastic Properties of Single Amylose Chains in Water.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 342K 2005 Liu Organometallic Spintronics.pdf 23-Jul-2007 12:57 183K
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