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Monday, March 25, 2013


Solar technology taps directly into the sun to produce solar energy which is converted into solar electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cell. Solar electricity has been gaining ground as a source of electricity. Most likely you have solar powered calculators, streetlights or solar panels on rooftops for powering household appliances like TV, computer, light, fan, handset, etc. it has also used to power rural and agricultural appliances. The same solar power can also be used to generate large amount of electricity.Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight to electricity. But more electricity is produce when the sunlight is very strong striking the PV cells directly. The PV cells consist of two or more layers of semi-conductor, most commonly silicon. When the silicon is exposed to light, so multiple PV cells are connected together and sealed behind glass to form a module known as SOLAR PANEL. Modules range in power output from about 10 watts to 300 watts. PV allows you to produce electricity, without noise, air pollution and fuel. Most PV has a life span of 25-50years SOLAR PANELS TYPES.There are three main types of solar panels in commercial production, all with some advantages and disadvantages. All these are base on silicon semiconductors and they are arranged in other of their efficiency.1. MONOCRYSTALLINE SILICON CELLSMonocrystalline silicon cell is made from a single large crystal, cut from ingots. Most efficient but also slightly costlier than the other technologies and better in low light. It is the most efficient of photovoltaic (PV) technologies, with efficiencies of 5%, meaning you will get more electricity from it. The manufacturing process Monocrystalline silicon cells are more complicated
2. MULTICRYSTALINE SILICON CELLSThis is made from an ingot of melted and recrystalling silicon, which is then saw cut into very thin water and assemble into complete cells. The manufacturer process is simpler thereby making multicrystalline cell cheaper than that of monocrystalline. Multicrystalline cells are slightly efficient with average efficiencies of 12% creating a granular texture.

3. AMORPHOUS SILICON CELL.Amorphous silicon cell- thin film, the silicon is spread directly on large plates, usually of something like stainless steel. It is Cheaper to produce, but often much less efficiencies of 6%, which needs larger panels for the same power output. The production method is quite different. Their low cost makes it ideally suited for many applications where high efficiency is not required, but low cost is considered.COMPONENT OF SOLAR ELECTRICITY GENERATOR OR GENERATORThere are six (6) basic components of solar electricity generator. They are1. Solar panels2. Charge controller3. Deep solar cycle batteries4. Ac/Dc inverter5. Thunder insulator wire6. Loads
PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SOLAR PANELSSolar panels are the source of electricity for a solar power generator. The solar panel or PV directly converts sunlight into DC (direct current) electricity.PV panels are rated in watts based on the maximum power of electricity one can generate under an ideal sun and temperature condition. The rate output of PV panels is use to determine the number of panels one will need to meet the electricity needs. Multiple panels combined together are called array.PV array can be mounted at a fixed angle of preferable angles 45% facing east, or they can be mounted on a tracking devices that follows the sun, allowing them to capture the most sunlight over the course of a day. PV modules are durable, long lasting, and environmentally friendly and cost efficient on the long-run. Because of their durability, PV systems can be designed to meet any electrical requirement, no after how large or how small. It also can be connected to an electricity distribution system (grid-connected), or they can stand alone (off-grid). Most carry a warranty of 25 years and if properly maintained can attain a life span of 50 years. They can withstand severe weather such as extreme heat, hail stone snow and cold.
CHARGE CONTROLLER/VOLTAGE REGULATORCharge controller is use in Combination with a battery, and it just what its name implies. It controls the charge the battery is receiving. The charge controller is placed between the solar module and the battery. With out a charge controller, the battery will be over-charge, and this can damage the battery which may lead to out brake of fire.Charge controller includes maximum and low voltage power point tracking. This feature optimizes the solar photo voltaic arrays energy production and also prevents the batteries from over-dischargingINVERTERSInverter converts direct current (DC)-e.g. 12V, 24V and 48V to Alternating Current (AC) - e.g. 220V. The inverter has to match with the wattage output of the solar panels. Inverter supply better quality power than the power utility company and works well with most appliances. Inverters are rated in watts by their continuous voltage output and comes in different power voltage specification e.g. 150watts 300watts, 800watts, 1200watts etc.The size of inverter chosen is dependent on the total cumulative power to be consumed and this requires elementary arithmetic. Take for instance you want power few appliances like a 14” TV, a radio, a DVD and a light at once, add up all their wattage, therefore buy an inverter that can supply at least 79 watts continuously. To power a whole house full of appliances and lights requires more planning and would require a mid size inverter (e.g. 1.5kva to 7.5kva) or a bigger one. Obviously not all appliances will be switched on at the same time. The bottom line is that the type of inverter you choose is determined by the quality of electricity in wattage your appliances will consumeAPPLIENCES SPECIFIED POWERRadio 5wLight (compact fluorescent) 14wDVD 20w14” colour TV 40wTotal daily power requirement 79w
TYPES OF INVERTER.MODIFIED OR SQUARE SINE WAVE INVERTERA modified sine wave inverter is cheaper and can power most household appliances and tools, but some loads will be damaged by it (e.g. laser printers or some cordless power tools) it presents some challenges by giving humming sound when some types of load is used by with it e.g. A microwave. 

PURE SINE INVERTERPure sine wave has much more “flow” to them. You could say that their power has been smoothed out; you need pure wave inverter if you hope to power large appliances. For the purest, best form of power, you will require a pure sine wave inverter.BATTERIES FOR SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMLike other renewable energy system, solar energy system uses a lead-acid deep cycle battery. This type of battery is different from the conventional car battery, lead-acid deep cycle batteries last longer but also cost more than a conventional battery. The major difference between lead-acid battery and other batteries is that they have solid lead plates. In conventional batteries, the plate is made of sponge-like material. BATTERY SIZE TO YOUR SYSTEMBe sure you have a battery properly sized to your system. If you size your battery too small, they may discharge too often, and this leads to replacing them more often, when you size your system very well and maintain it, it may last to 10 to 15yrsSOLAR ENERGY BATTERY MAINTAINANCEThe good cycle battery can last long if you take good care of it, some of the base steps to ensure the good working condition of your battery are1. Fully charge your battery before use.2. Be sure to fully tighten the connectors and properly wire all the cables.3. Fasten vent caps tightly and checked from time to time.4. Batteries should be wiped free of all corrosion, dust and dirt frequentlyDEPTH OF DISCHARGEDepth of discharge is a measure of how much energy has been taken from a battery. With the lead-acid deep cycle battery used in a solar electric system, there is more tolerance for discharging. You can discharge the battery of a solar energy system 50%to 80% with no damage to the battery; this makes it very different from a car battery.AC/DC BREAKER/ INVERTER DISCONNECTThe AC breaker panel is the devise where all the house electric wiring meet with the supplier of electricity, whether grid (PHCN) or power generator. It is mounted on the wall and you can find it at the stairway, balcony, basement, or garage, etc of your home. The solar electricity will use AC breaker to route electricity to the house. it allows you to change over from solar electricity to grid electricity and vice versa.TOOLS NEEDED1. Pairs of Hand gloves2. Eye Google3. Set of Screw drivers4. Cutter: for cutting of wires5. Set of Pliers:6. Copper plate:7. Spanner:8. Digital Voltmeter: for reading voltage of your solar panel and battery voltage and current9. Compass: for navigation (use to know where the sun is facing or where it rises)10. Salt and charcoalCOMPASSMagnetic compass is an instrument that is use to determine the position of placement of a solar panel. The aim of this is for the PV to get as much sunlight to generate electricity. The PB should be installed at an angle 45 facing east.INSTALLATION

PV ARREYSPV arrays for stand alone system are installed many unique and innovate ways, however, there are common issues involved in any installation, whether the array is fixed or tracking, mounted at ground level, or on a pole or building. The array orientation and tilt angle consideration are discussed in the section.CONTROL CENTREElectronics controllers, converters, or inverters are often installed in the control centre along with switches, fuses, etc. electric components must be able to withstand expected temperature extremes in both operating and non-operating state. Any printed circuit boards in these units should be coated or sealed to protect the electronics from humidity and dust. Certified electrical service about the type of the box needed for a specific application.High temperature will shorten the life of electric equipment. Try to mount the boxes in a shaded area and/or provide air circulation, particularly for inverters. Dust can be problem in a well-vented enclosure. Some boxes have filters at the air access points. Screen the inlets of the electrical boxes to prevent spider’s wasps, lizard and other insects from setting up residence. Finding wasps in the electrical box may not affect performance, but it will certainly make maintenance more exciting.
BATTERYEARTHINGA good earthing will provide a well-defined, low –resistance path from the stand-alone PV system to earth ground. This part is expected to carry fault current if system malfunctioning occur so the ground wire must be as large as the largest conductor in the system. TWO TYPES OF EARTHING ARE NEEDED IN PV SYSTEMS System earthing and equipment earthing. For the system earthing, one of the current carrying conductors, usually the negative, is earthed with salt and charcoal at a single point. This establishes the maximum voltage with respect to ground and also serves to discharge surge currents induced by lighting. Any exposed metal that might be touched by personnel should be earthed. This includes equipment boxes and array frames. This will limit the risk of electrical shock should a fault occur.A PV array can attract lightening, especially if located at a high elevation relative to the surrounding terrain. In particular, water pumping systems may draw lighting because of the excellent ground path provided by the well casing. Current surge can be caused by near strikes occur more frequently and the severity of possible damage depends on the distance from the strike to the array. Commercially available surge protection devices (movistor and silicon oxide varistors) are reasonably prices and their use is recommended. They are normally installed in the array output and at the DC input to any electronic device. If an inverter used, installing the wiring in earth, buried metallic conduit will decrease susceptibility to lightening
BASIC ELECTRONICSSERIES AND PARALLEL SOURCESERIES CONNECTIONSource of electric current such as batteries and solar panels can also be connected in various ways. They can be arranged in series by connecting a terminal (+ve positive) of one source to the negative terminal (+ve negative) of the next source. For example of battery A is connected to the negative terminals of the battery A, and the positive terminal of battery B to the negative terminal C the ABC are in series. The load is then place between the positive terminals of battery A. this increases the voltage but the current remains constant.When sources of electric current are connected in series, their total voltage is equal to the sum of their individual voltages. For example, three 12-volt batteries connected in series gives a total voltage of 12v + 12V + 12V= 36V. if the load is 9 ohms, then the batteries send a current of 36 / 9= 4 Amp through the load which is the current supplied the individual battery.

PARRALLEL CONNECTIONSource of electricity current such as batteries and solar panels can be connected in parallel. They are arrange in parallel. They are arranged in parallel by connecting the +ve (positive) terminal of one source is connected to the positive terminal terminal of the next source. Then the negative terminal of the battery A is connected to positive is connected positive terminal of battery B. likewise if negative terminal of battery A is connected to negative terminal of battery B, then the two batteries are connected in parallel. Load is placed between the positive terminal B and negative terminal B, this will increase their current, but the voltage remains constant i.e. the individual voltage. When source of electric current are connected in parallel, their total current is equal to the sum of their individual current of 70A + 70A + 70A =210A. But the voltage will remain the same (i.e. 12V).

If you need more electricity to power your appliances, your PVs and batteries will have to be connected in parallel. But if you need more voltage battery, the higher voltage will force an electric current through the low voltage battery and damage it.

Ms .net Core - Mcad-mcsd, E-books In .chm Format

Description:- MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures, Exam 70-300- MCAD/MCSD Training Kit—Developing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET (This book addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-306 and Exam 70-316)- MCAD/MCSD Training Kit—Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET (This book addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-305 and Exam 70-315.)- MCAD/MCSD Training Kit—Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET. .NET is a new Microsoft technology that offers new application frameworks such as Web services, ASP.NET, WinForms, and ADO.NET (This book addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-310 and Exam 70-320.)- Microsoft .NET Core Requirements- Developing Windows Based Application, Second Edition.- Developing Web Applications, Second Edition.- Developing XML Web Services & Server Components.- Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures

Knowledge Management

1. Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise
If you are responsible for the management of an intelligence enterprise operation and its timely and accurate delivery of reliable intelligence to key decision-makers, this book is must reading. It is the first easy-to-understand, system-level book that specifically applies knowledge management principles, practices and technologies to the intelligence domain. The book describes the essential principles of intelligence, from collection, processing and analysis, to dissemination for both national intelligence and business applications.This unique resource provides a balanced treatment of the organizational and architectural components of knowledge management, offering a clear understanding of the system infrastructure, tools and technologies necessary to implement the intelligence enterprise. You explore real-world applications and get a detailed example of a competitive intelligence unit design. Including over 80 illustrations, the book offers a highly practical description of enterprise architecture design methodology, and covers the full range of national, military, business and competitive intelligence.

2. Knowledge-Based Enterprise: Theories and Fundamentals
Knowledge management is an emerging, evolving field at the confluence of several management disciplines. A critical function for all organizations is to make rapid decisions. To do this effectively decision makers require relevant data and information. Yet, most decision makers are floundering with information overload, time compression and pressures to make critical decisions that have far-reaching consequences to their organization. Knowledge-Based Enterprise: Theories and Fundamentals provides a comprehensive coverage of all areas (people, process, and technology) necessary to become a knowledge-based enterprise. The book presents several frameworks that not only facilitate the implementation of a KM initiative but its on-going management so that pertinent knowledge and information are always available to the decision maker, and that the organization may always enjoy a sustainable competitive advantage.

3. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures
Success of an organization is increasingly dependent on its capability to create an environment to improve the productivity of knowledge work. This book focuses on the concepts, models and technologies that are used to design and implement such an environment. It develops the vision of a modular, yet highly integrated enterprise knowledge infrastructure and presents an ideal architecture replete with current technologies and systems. The most important streams of technological development that are covered in the book are computer-supported cooperative work, document and content management, e-learning, enterprise portals, information life cycle management, knowledge management, mobile computing, and the Semantic Web. It includes learning goals, exercises and case examples that help the reader to easily understand and practice the concepts.

4. Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce
Ontologies have been developed and investigated for some time in artificial intelligence to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse. More recently, the notion of ontologies has attracted attention from fields such as databases, intelligent information integration, cooperative information systems, information retrieval, electronic commerce, enterprise application integration, and knowledge management. This broadened interest in ontologies is based on the feature that they provide a machine-processable semantics of information sources that can be communicated among agents as well as between software artifacts and humans. This feature makes ontologies the backbone technology of the next web generation, i.e., the Semantic Web. Ontologies are currently applied in areas such as knowledge management in large company-wide networks and call centers, and in B2C, B2G, and B2B electronic commerce. In a nutshell, ontologies enable effective and efficient access to heterogeneous and distributed information sources. Given the increasing amount of information available online, this kind of support is becoming more important day by day. The author systematically introduces the notion of ontologies to the non-expert reader and demonstrates in detail how to apply this conceptual framework for improved intranet retrieval of corporate information and knowledge and for enhanced Internet-based electronic commerce. He also describes ontology languages (XML, RDF, and OWL) and ontology tools, and the application of ontologies. In addition to structural improvements, the second edition covers recent developments relating to the Semantic Web, and emerging web-based standard languages.

5. Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts And Application
Managerial and information systems professionals and consultants are interested in any new system that will help make their jobs easier as well as facilitate the needs of their customers. Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts and Applications focuses on the essentials of knowledge management, business intelligence, and smart business systems. This publication highlights the shortcomings of past information systems and what can be gained from implementation of the newer systems not only for the company, but also its customers, trading partners, employees, financial institutions, as well as other interested parties. This book takes an innovative and dramatic approach to the development and implementation of information systems. Not only does Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts and Applications explore a holistic approach to exploring an organization s opportunities and solving its problems, it also highlights connecting points of wisdom.

6. Strategic Knowledge Management Technology
Strategic Knowledge Management Technology applies the knowledge-based view of the firm, which builds on the resource-based theory. The value shop is identified as the typical value configuration for knowledge firms. This book applies a stages of growth model for knowledge management technology, where firms develop from the person-to-tools strategy, via the person-to-person strategy and the person-to-documents strategy, to the person-to-systems strategy. The case of law firms is extensively explored. IS/IT strategy for knowledge management is developed within the framework of the Y model.

7. Essentials of Knowledge Management
Reader-friendly survey of Knowledge Management (KM): a business optimization strategy that identifies, selects, organizes, distills, and packages information essential to the business of a company. Provides best practices in knowledge management, examines enabling technologies, and discusses implementation issues.

Independent consultant: do not feel alone and lost to its e-commerce project!

But where to start? Internet agencies meet? Expose drafts of your project? Choose among the proposed estimate, with prices that go from simple to double! Asking a thousand and one questions? Doubt before your project, good idea! How?

A quote you back at the top: Never put all your eggs in one basket. First things first! How to get help to structure your project? How to develop a real Internet strategy? Think, analyze, and build ... Yes but the Internet is technical and complicated!

There is a solution to be accompanied and avoid errors of a poorly designed or made in haste.

Call an independent consultant.

The advantages? He works for you with confidence because its success depends on your success. It's a calling he loves her and loves world novelty, discover. It stimulates creativity. He shares his experience and expertise.

Its services? You listen, analyze, reflect, propose solutions, innovation .... It helps you in your thinking, warns you, tells you. It seeks to better understand your idea, your goals and your operations. It then examines the viability of your project, your budget, your time and resources. He writes a specification: strategic plan for your project with proposed solutions. Once equipped with the latter, you can then select your service providers with the ideas more clear, a true understanding of the Internet and a well put together.
Do not give up! Follow your idea and let you accompany!

Do you need a strategy for e-commerce sales season?

Do you know the customers to your website?

If you use a statistical tool such as Google Analytics, you know what visitors did during their last visit to your e-commerce site, but it is unlikely that you really know your buyers and their activities. It is unwise to develop a strategy, knowing that at most buyers make during their brief forays on your site ... and that makes a big difference.

Do not just stick to only statistics from Google Analytics.

When I say "know", I mean "well known". Do you know how many times they came back on your online shop? Do you know the average amount of their purchases? What do they like, do not like? What do you know their family situation, age, gender, geographical location? Is that the only information you have is the date of their last visit to your site?

Special offers they are personalized, relevant and timely proposed?

How did you decide which products are cross-promotions? At what time will you offer these offers? Who? Is it you who decide that "this product complements well with it? Is it enough to make a promo and send it to your entire mailing list?

It would be better to start thinking about a thorough analysis of feedback you are your customers based on products they buy and combine together, then to choose the recipients of your promotions based on tangible information.

By segmenting visitors based on their behavior and adapt accordingly emails, e-tailers are able to send highly personalized messages that will generate sales rates and much higher conversion by email. It will thus be more likely to side with offers in their online stores. Rather than trying the rule of thumb, it should provide buyers with customized offers that interest them.

According to recent studies, a promotional campaign by mail personalized, relevant and in due time allows to obtain a conversion rate of 17 times earnings and 25 times higher than those of previous approaches.

Do you know what are the methods that really work?

How do you measure the impact of your campaigns? Did you know that it usually takes between four and eight interactions with your site before converting into a customer? What is the average number of visits made in each buyer on your site before submitting the order?

If a customer receives an email from you, then uses your site to do a price comparison, he clicks on a link adword and came back a week later through a Google search (it does remember a web address, but you found through your SEO), what is the value of your marketing campaign? If you are in the case of many e-tailers, you opt for an approach called the "last click".

The problem is that you do not really know what method works and which does not work. Is this promotion sent by mail? The comparison? Sponsored link?

If you do not really know what methods and campaigns that work and how they interact to bring customers to your site, how are you going to play good?

In summary

The answers to these three simple questions will help you arm yourself the knowledge to address the rally season with optimism.

Know your customer relationship with your products, campaigns that work - keep it that gets results, and store the rest in the closet. With the tie horrible that your stepmother will offer.

Increase your backlinks to your e-commerce

A good way to get links is to have deep feedback on your product pages to attract your customers and future customers to get links naturally. It's never easy to hear comments for this gadget you can offer low prices on some products it encourages customers to put links natural for passing information. Objectively customers also like to leave comments on products they have purchased.

Remember that when a customer received his order, it is good to send an email with a summary of the order and take the opportunity to put buttons on sharing in the email so he can share his purchase and Commenting on FaceBook and Twitter.

Also for deep links is not necessary to request a link with the anchor of the title product as it is relatively difficult for the website publisher to insert on its pages, have links with more Natural anchors like "click here" or simply the "name of your domain" and the URL of the page deep to target.

Have a computer graphics is also important. The goal is to keep the customer as long as possible on the product detail page, so put a thumbnail and use Ajax to enlarge the image with visual effects such as a magnifying glass. Giving more detail than your competitors. This encourages the client to share the page and even if it is a flagship product that he likes.

Try to have a humanitarian side, have a body to which you pay a percentage of profits from your sales, customers appreciate this kind of approach and likes to share this humanitarian side with their friends and family.

Having an ebook is also interesting, for example you can make an ebook on organic part of your e-commerce, with a few pages of an ebook that deserve the benefits of organic, and offer the download link on the product pages and bio bio class. Customers will be sharing natural Ebook and links or is the download of the Ebook.

An interesting side is to avoid repeating the name tags in your product, but to use this tag to insert a few relevant keywords that encourage sharing, and if possible to save the day. You can easily change the date to celebrate and enjoy the events that punctuate the year, events such as Valentine's, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father. On the other hand build the url without the date for failing to manage 301 redirects if you modify it.

Also ensure proper management of your 301 redirects if the product is no longer available because a dead link will give the inverse of the expected effect. I suggest you handle 301 redirects your pages details of products that are no longer available directly on the category in which the product was.
There, you see that it's not that complicated to get backlinks to your pages deep.

Robbins Basic Pathology, 8/e 2007

Get the pathology knowledge you need, the way you need it, from the name you can trust! Robbins Basic Pathology has helped countless students master the core concepts in pathology. This 8th Edition continues that tradition, providing outstanding, user-friendly coverage of the latest information in the field. Clinicopathologic correlations highlight the relationships between basic science and clinical medicine, while state-of-the-art gross and photomicrographic illustrations help you understand complex principles. What's more, access to the complete contents online at enables you to study more powerfully than ever before!

Great condition, good response
Book was exactly as described, took about 7 business days to arrive.

A great review for AP boards
This text is very concise compared with Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. Both are excellent, but this "smaller" book actually has everything you need for the general pathology part of the written AP boards. I am specifically referring to chapters 1-9 with 10 and 11. It needs to be read with near total comprehension, but the color graphics are excellent aids. All other systemic pathology topics should be covered in a surgical pathology text, of course.

A useful review of basic pathology
The 7th addition of Robbins Basic pathology is several hundred pages shorter than the previous edition. Most of what was removed was basic physiology and anatomy review. I found that while it's good to have a shorter textbook, the loss of these subjects made for less interesting reading. The 7th edition also adds quite a bit more molecular biology and molecular genetics, reflecting chnages in the study of pathology. Overall, it's an excellent pathology review book and will be very useful for medical students and path residents who want to review. The main flaw of the book is an unavoidable one. Many important areas of pathology are covered in a single paragraph and much detail is lacking. However, the authors had to do this to keep the book relatively short (only 700 pages). I recomment this book highly as a good way to begin studying pathology.

A classic and organised textbook which need more updateING
Robbins pathology is a classic textbook for medicine. 7.edition is very attractive with funny illustrations. Saunders quality seems obviously. But Robbins couldn't solve that problem: It is becoming looser and looser... Rates, incidences are not satisfactory... It tends to escape from details,but sometimes it makes this classic book simple... Clinics are not updated enough. There are many misscarriages... For example rutin thyroid scintigraphy uses Tc99m pertechnate, not radioiodine... Little doses of it may cause permenant hypothyroidism. And osteomalasia/osteoporosis. Now,we now that: Only 1-2 h/week UV to face and forearms is enough to synthesize essentiall amounts of vitamin D. So wears (veils etc) are not important as the cause of vit. D deficiency. It is not realistic and new datas showed these kind of comments are all defective. Race and geographic position is the important factors ( As written in an other classic: Harrisons...). Of course these are not interesting details for someone, a pathology book maynot talk about them, if it does, it must true. I hope 8. edition will become stronger... Cost of price... Thanks for editors. Essentiall for USMLE, with BRS pathology...

Explicative, Complete and Easy to Understand
This book makes the compilation of the main concepts of medical pathology that every medical student or physician must know for an optimal practice.... the figures and tables makes understanding a lot easier and faster..... it's a jewel in pathology books!